Flag of the United States of America.USA Only     ~ Sundrop Crystal ~
A Hanging String Or A Crystal Bead Hanger Is Attached to All Crystal Prism Ornaments
~  Your Beautiful Selections  ~  Gift Packaged and Ready to Hang For Your Immediate Delight!  ~

~  VACATION MESSAGE  ~   We will be closed Feb 10, 2025 to Mid March 2025. Please feel free to order if you wish. Orders placed during that time will be filled on our return. We apologize for any inconvenience.  ~  Thank You!

   USA Only Flag of the United States of America.
* We Are Sorry- We Ship Within the U.S.A. Only! *

Beautiful Swarovski Crystals!
~ Sundrop Crystal ~
Fine Swarovski Crystal Hanging Prism Ornaments Since 1998

~ When Will My Order Be Shipped? ~
Beautiful Swarovski Crystals!
If You Have A Deadline, Please TELL US!
If You Select Priority Mail Postage ~ That Does NOT Mean You Have Communicated Your Deadline!

If We Can Mail Only * ONE * Package Today ~
Should  It  Be  YOURS?

Tell Us The Date You Need Your Order - SO WE CAN GET IT TO YOU!
If we are short of time for any reason ~ If we have a flood, a blizzard, or must be out of the office ~ We need to know which orders are Top Priority!
~ Simply Selecting Priority Mail Does NOT Count as declaring your Deadline! ~

If you tell us about Your Deadline,
You get a Free Pass to the Front of the Line!!

Your Crystal Prism Ornaments Will Arrive Ready To Give And Ready To Hang.
* Info ~ Gifts and Gift Boxes ~ Click Here *
* Info ~ Hanging Strings and Bead Hangers ~ Click Here *

We are keeping track of details like Post Office holidays you may not have thought of.
Tell us your deadline and let  US  decide if we need to know it!  We are always grateful for the info!
~  Warning!  Due Dates Are Closer Than They Appear!  ~

We very much want you to receive your order when you need it.  We will send it to you as quickly as we can.
We are very busy and everyone wants their order right away.

We process orders with deadlines first so they can get there in time for your gift-giving celebration.
However, please remember we have no control over the Post Office.
We try to ship as far in advance as we can to allow for delays in the mail.


Computer Nerd! We know that you are very busy and that you've dropped in at our website
to place a quick order  Computer Nerd  and get on your way.   We Thank You!!
Computer Nerd!
Blue Line

We have dozens of orders to fill.   We love that!!
But, we have not succeeded in learning to GUESS which ones need to be done first!

We strive to send all orders as quickly as possible.  Our goal is to MAIL orders within just a few Business Days.
[A Business Day is Mon-Fri, no holidays. If you place your order on Friday, Day One is Monday, or Day One is Tuesday if Monday is a holiday.]
Remember, after we MAIL it, the package will spend time in transit.
There is no EASY answer as to when YOUR order will be mailed.  It depends on a lot of factors, including what items you request.
If you wish to receive your order by a certain day, please say so.  All items are hand assembled and take time to prepare.

We CAN and DO process lots of Emergency orders and are Happy to do so.  Just tell us when you need one!
After you order, we hand select your requested items.
We attach Strings or Bead Hangers to the crystals.
When ready, the crystals are carefully packed and mailed.

We Are Very Sorry ~ We simply lack the technology to do this.

"I just noticed that you strive to have all orders arrive by an intended date.  I did not specify a date, considering you are the first company I have encountered that truly strives to achieve a desired delivery date.  I know Christmas is a very hectic time and mail can be unpredictable.  If it is possible I would like to have my order arrive by Tuesday, December 20th for a birthday gift.  If this is not possible I completely understand as it is my fault for not stating a delivery date.  If you can have it here by then - then wonderful!  I look forward to receiving the crystal whether by the 20th or by Christmas hopefully.  Pleasure doing business with you and hopefully will do so again in the future.  I have enclosed a copy of my order placed this morning."  GLM, Indiana

We Very Much Appreciate Your Business And YOUR Happiness Is Our Goal!   Thank you very much!

Oh- Look at this!
Oh!  Look At This!!  ~   Picture a BIG pile of paper orders.
We can't GUESS which is the ONE that’s in a Hurry!

They don’t whistle, honk, shout or wiggle, wave, crinkle their corners,
squirm, jump to the floor, or turn a special bright color.
We don’t feel special vibes when we hold them.
They don’t emit coded psychic messages for us to detect!

Here is the work to do on a usual day at Sundrop Crystal- In the Slow Season!
~ Here’s a typical collection of orders for a day at Sundrop Crystal ~
Here is a Slow Work Day for Sundrop!

~ Who Wants To Go First? ~
Who Wants to Be First?

~ Wave If You Have A Deadline! ~
Wave If You Have A Deadline.

~ Wait!! Here’s One With a Message!  Excellent! ~
A Perfectly Helpful Message!

~ All Packed Up And Ready to Be At The Party On Time! ~
Ready for the Party! All Set To Go In The Mail!

~ Now, On To The Rest Of Them! ~
All the orders will be on their way soon!
~ All of the orders will be on their way soon! ~

IF  YOUR  ORDER   is the one that wants to be First in line, PLEASE give us a little note that says
"Need this for a gift on Wed. June 14" or "Leaving on a trip January 12 and Need to take with me".
We'll put your order at the FRONT of the line!
Twirl Blue Line

Warning- Due Dates Are Closer Than They Appear

Twirl Blue Line
~ Thank You! ~
Blue Divider Line
We have dozens of orders to fill.   We very much love that!!
But, we have not succeeded in learning to GUESS which ones need to be done first!

Warning: Due Dates Are Closer Than They Appear!

Please tell us if you have a deadline!
Please Help!

Please let us know if you have a deadline!

~ Deadlines ~
We are working very hard to send your crystal order to you as soon as we can! We are working very hard to get your crystal order to you as soon as we can! We are working very hard to get your crystal order to you as soon as we can!
We are working very hard to get your crystal order to you as soon as we can!
If you have a Deadline, or want your order Right Away, Please Tell Us.  We can't Guess.
Remember this is  YOUR  order, and we want you to get it when you expect it!

We very much want you to receive your order when you need it. We will send it to you as quickly as we can. We are very busy and everyone wants their order right away. We process orders with deadlines first so they can get there in time for your gift-giving celebration. Please remember we do not have any control over the Post Office. Also please remember that occasionally your deadline is simply impossible, and we are very sorry. We ship as far in advance as we can to allow for delays in the Mail.

Wondering If Your Order Will Be On Time?
YES, It WILL if you tell us when you need it!

Frantic Crazy ChickenDance We are keeping an eye on things for you!
Don't Fret!
Let us in on the Secret of Your Due Date
and Allow US to do the Worrying!
Crazy Frantic ChickenDance

Relax and Do Something Fun!

~ Thank You! ~

Sundrop Crystal Has Austrian Swarovski Lead Crystal Prisms. Crystals Hanging in Your windows Make Splashes of Rainbows!

~ Smile! ~